Special Gases

Special Gases

Special Gases

Special gases, represent gases which are rare or ultra high purity (99.995% and above). Many industries, including analytical, pharmaceutical, electronics and petrochemical benefit from the unique properties of specialty gases that help to improve yields, optimize performance and lower costs.
  • Argon TL Grade – purity 99.9997%
  • Argon UHP Grade – purity 99.9998%
  • Nitrogen zero grade – purity 99.9998%
  • UHP Air (79%N2+21% O2 ) (moisture 0.5ppm)
  • Helium – 5, (99.999%) 5.5 (99.9995%) & 6 (99.9999%) Grades
  • Oxygen – zero grade 99. 99%

We offer you gas mixture made out of any number of components in any concentration level within the permissible limits of physics and chemistry. Even if the gas you require in gas mixture is not found in our list, still it can be added.

We offer the highest quality of customized gas mixtures which are prepared with right technique of blending and homogenizing to maintain quality of its basic constituents traceable to the source. Please contact us with your specifications.